Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Going to Koh Tao

Hi Everyone, we've just finished 5 days on the beach in Koh Phagnan. We slept in a nice beach side cottage at a place called Barcelona. The sun was hot, the water was clear and warm and we survived the Full Moon Party.  We saw Reid, Sheridan and Mykayla off yesterday as they went on to Koh Phi Phi on the other side of the coast.  
Today we will be taking a ferry to koh tao which is known for its coral reefs and dive spots.  Then we will fly into Bangkok from Koh Samui to make our flight for Tuesday.
Hope all is well at home!  We are looking forward to coming back! Love Erin and Erik

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Off to the island

The Songkran festival in Chiang Mai was wild. it was a huge water
fight centered around the city moat. Unfortunately Erik sacrificed his
phone. It is now laying in a bed of rice to dry out.  He does have a
big water gun as a souvenir.  it was fun to be part of the blessing of
the Buddha parade the next day.
The day before we learned to cook 10 thai dishes at a farm just
outside of the city. We had enough left over for a picnic dinnr when
we returned.
Yesterday we flew back to Bangkok and met up with Sheridan, Reid and
Mykala. We are heading out to Koh Phag ngan where we will celebrate
Reid and Sheridan`s engagement!
We may not have as much internet on the island but we`ll be in ouch as
often as we can!
Love Erin and Erik

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Cambodia to Chiang Mai

Our side trip into Cambodia was great. The people there seemed very
friendly and welcoming.
Our second day trip took in the city of Angkor Thom below Angkor wat.
We lucked out and had most of the temples to ourselves. In the morning
we also saw the temple Tombraider was filmed in. They have left it
mostly as it was found with trees growing through the temples.
On the third day we saw Angkor wat once the rain subsided. That's
where the picture is from. It was huge. The bas reliefs carved in
plaster on the outer walls told fantastic stories of battles and myths
in the Hindu faith. Erik took his tripod so we actually have some
pictures of us together!
Saturday was spent in transit. We booked a bus through the guest home
back to Bangkok. We had also booked a 9:00pm flight to Chiang Mai from
Bangkok, thinking we were giving ourselves lots of time. We met a nice
couple from the states who were spending a semester in Bangkok. We
exchanged our stories and shared a new one of the crazy long bus
turned van drive back to Bangkok. We made it to the airport very
hungry and stressed for time but we learned how unimportant schedules
are here.
We stayed the night at an interesting theme hotel (our room was
Aladdin themed) then took a side-route running tuk tuk to our
guesthome on the riverside of the ping river in Chiamg Mai.
We have already booked a one day cooking class at an organic family
farm one hour outside of Chiang Mai for tomorrow!!! This afternoon we
went for a spicy lunch, spent some time by the pool, then walked
through the Sunday market. The town is gearing up for the Thai new
year (songkran festival). We still need to buy our super soakers!
There seem to be a lot of tourists around. So far Chiang Mai seems
like a great city; it's walkable with lots of great restaurants and
not full of touts.
We are thinking about everyone at home so send us an email if you have
a chance!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Market of 200,000 Vendors

Bangkok Heat

Bangkok is quite the place. We stayed at Rikka Inn on Khao San Road.
After turning in early (4) for a "nap" we woke at 3am to explore the
city. What we came out to was a street party of ghetto blasters (read
not boom boxes) and absolutely wasted people. The market was gone but
the stench remained. City workers diligently swept with straw brooms
and garbage trucks navigated the pilon like after party-ers.

To renew our faith in Bangkok we took the skytrain to the weekend
market after being scammed by a tuk tuk for the first time. The Market
was gianormous. Over 200,000 stalls of common goods and indepedant
clothing designers. Most shoppers were Thai but the afternoon brought
more tourists. In the end we left with many bags...dehydrated and

The food was fairly good in spots. We wandered off Khao San to find
more places. We treated our sore feet to a 30 min massage for only $3!

The next day we tried to see the grand palace only to be royally
scammed again in textbook Bangkok style But all
is well minus one credit card. Rule of thumb in Bangkok: if anyone
approaches you to strike up a random friendly conversation - you're
most likely being scammed.

The next day we nervously headed to Cambodia. We took the sky train
then attempted to walk to the north bus station 500m away across 2
parks and 2 highways. Luckily we met our first true thai friend who
showed us a short cut through the park. It was a 5 hour bus ride
(where I fell in love with kareoke music videos) and a sketchy border
crossing but we made it and met a girl from Utah who has been teaching
in the south of Thailand.

We came to our lovely Motherhome Guesthouse in Siem Reap (see
). After a 2 hour taxi ride, demonstrating southeast Asia driving
skills at it best, we vowed never to complain about Calgary drivers
again (until we get back).

Today we hired a tuk tuk from our guest house to an outlying temple
and the greater circuit of temples near Angkor wat. We were nothing
short of amazed and look forward to another tour tomorrow. There is
lots to see in this complex so we are glad we gave ourselves 3 full
days and an excellent driver, Mr. Thon, age 23.
Khmer food is also proving to be delicious with there own spice blend.
Siem Reap has exploded over the past 8 years but it still seems like a
terrific tourist town with genuine
hospitality and excitement.

We hope all is well at home! Love Erin and Erik